Focus on Africa

A Continent for the Future

An anticipated economic growth between 5 and 10 % per year. A strong demography resulting in a young and dynamic population. Political and social indicators all pointing at a positive evolution of the continent in terms of governance, infrastructures, health, and education. Territories turned towards modernity as shown by the soaring of the digital economy, the flight of mobile internet, and the rapid expansion of the service sector.

Your markets for to-morrow. Your area for growth.

It is just impossible to ignore the future first world market in terms of population. Middle-classes of 300 million people with the means of fulfilling its needs and desires of goods and services, up to 2,200 billion euros in 2030. A unique growth rate in the world pushed by domestic demand and private consumption.

Our presence on the spot. Our presence in the area. Our contacts.

We are active in North, Western, and Central Africa. In English-speaking countries as well as in French-speaking ones. Our network of local correspondents enables us to-day to lead missions in a score of countries, more specifically in Morocco, Tunisia, Mauritania, Chad, Niger, Mali, Togo, Guinea, Senegal, Burkina, Ivory Coast, Benin, Ghana, Gabon, Congo, DRC, Cameroon… Our contacts are concrete operational relationships.

Our Credo :

Identify your market.
Find and select your partners.
Develop your activity.
Train and animate your network.
Facilitate your local presence.